Sparky Buddy Productions is bringing it's new improvised comedy show titled 'Extreme Championship Improv' to the Camden Comedy Club for a short run from Sunday August 20th to Wednesday August 23rd at 9.30pm each night as part of this years Camden Fringe Festival.
This new hour long improve show takes a little inspiration from the over the top worlds of pro wrestling and MMA to present competitive improve which will be taken to the extreme! Tickets for the show will be available to buy soon here: Hello! Welcome to the new website for Sparky Buddy Productions!
I'm really excited to launch this new site that will allow Sparky Buddy Productions to have a much richer web presence then we have in the past. First of all, it's great to have the shorter address '' - it's much more social media friendly then the longer '' (which incidentally still works and will soon enough bring you to this site instead of the old site). Secondly, the new site allows blog style update pages which is fantastic! Gone are the days where it'll be a mission to add a single news update, which means it'll be a lot easier to log in and add a quick news update for you all to follow! Also, without giving away all the surprises too early, the new site will allow Sparky Buddy Productions to share new entertainment based content that wasn't really possible with the old site. So within time it'll be great to see the Sparky Buddy website not just be an information site for a production company, but it'll also be a place where you can come just to see some fun content! There's lots of things on the cards for the rest of 2017 and beyond so please stick with us and the ride! |